Monday 30 April 2012

Term 2 goals

Term 2 goals

Literacy: My literacy goal is to improve my spelling and punctuation.  I will do this by learning my words at home 5x a week and by reading my work out loud to check it is punctuated correctly.  I also need to take more time and care when i check my work.

Maths: My maths goal is to be able to do the times tables to 12 and be able to answer them without having to work them out.

General: I really need to work on my listening skills. I need to stop and listen to my Dad so that i can follow his instructions accurately.

Monday 2 April 2012

Hailey Kate Griffis

Hailey Kate Griffiths

Hailey Kate Griffiths was born in the Wellington Hospital August 1999 and has a dad named Dave, a mum called Barb, a 9 year old sister called Milly and an older brother called Jack he is 14. Hailey has been living in Eastbourne her whole life.

Hailey went to Barnardos and then she went to kindy in Eastbourne around the same time and then later started at Muritai School where she is now.

Haileys hobbies are Netball, Swimming, Tennis and Skiing. She has been skiing at Mount Ruapehu and has been to a few other places as well but mostly she goes to Ruapehu.

When Hailey was 2 she almost fractured her skull and then when she was 6 she broke her arm. Later when t she was 11 she broke her finger. She has broken a lot of bones.

One of Haileys proudest moments was when she came second in the inter zones for swimming.