By 1870 Parihaka had become the biggest village in the country. In 1879 the Europeans invaded Maori land and in 1881. The Europeans began taking the Maori land unfairly. They raped the women, used them as slaves and took their homes away from them.Te whiti and Tohu were the leaders of the Parihaka monement. The people of Parihaka challenged the Europeans because the land was taken from them unfairly Te Whiti and the people of the village of Parihaka believed in peace, They Believed in nonviolence and he thought to win a war you do not need guns or knines.
In 1885. He learned allot about English technology and he brought it back to his home town and he was the first person to use a telephone.
Te whiti’s wife died in 1885 he wasn’t even allowed wife because he was still in jail He was released in 1888.
In 1907 Te Whiti died in was a very painful death for the people of and then they decided it was time to get their land back the land.
I believe Te Whiti-o-Rongomai is inspiring because he proved to New Zealand that you do not need arms to win a war.
By Kees