Thursday 8 March 2012

Muhammad Ali.

Muhammad Ali is we believe the best boxer of his generation. Muhammad Ali fought because his Dad loved boxing so he started at the age of 12. His real name is Cassias Clay but it was a slave name so he changed it to Muhammad Ali, which means beloved of the gods. He was born on 17 of January 1942 in the city of Louisville. He also went to Louisville high school. He was asked to join the military but refused to serve. Ali was a very religious and peaceful person so he did not want to do this. 
 Muhammad Ali turned professional when he was 18 and won his first match and first title. Muhammad had fought seventy-six matches, won fifty-six and won fifteen by default. In 1967 Muhammad was stripped of his boxing title by the professional boxing commission to not fight professionally for more than three years. He was also convicted for refusing to join the army and sentenced to five years in prison. Muhammad Ali was very inspiring to others. One of his quotes were float like a butterfly sting like a bee.I think this means to be light on you feet but be hard on your hands.
Ali changed his religion in 1964 to Islamic.He respects his religion and his people like no one else.But when he gets in the ring he’s an animal. Right now he is still alive with Parkinson's disease. Muhammad Ali is a hero and always will be.
By Kees & Troy 

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