Wednesday 27 June 2012

Buddy time

My buddy Ben he is great, he is a pleasure to do spelling with. His name is Ben in really great and he enjoys it when i come over to work with him. He has a good sense of humor I can’t wait to see him next term.  

Sunday 24 June 2012

Carbon cycle

What is the Carbon Cycle?

Today I am going to talk you about the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is the movement of carbon without the carbon cycle we would not be hear today.

Photosynthesis is when green plants and trees use the sun light to turn carbon dioxide and water into oxygen.
When we breath in we breath in oxygen and out Carbon Dioxide. Without Photosynthesis we would not be able to breathe.

When people and plants die they break down and rot, This is called Decomposing.This cycle realeses carbon in to the atmosphere.

After the death of a tree,fish,humans and all animals they began  to break down and rot.Then they compact down.Over a long period of time the compacted matter could eventually in to fossil fuels.

In conclusion if it wasn’t for the carbon cycle keeps our air clean.

By Kees

My Handwriting Sample

Sunday 10 June 2012

 What is the Carbon cycle ?

If it was not for the carbon cycle we wouldn’t be alive. A cycle is something that is a continuous process that has not got a beginning  or a end and it never stops.There are many different cycles like: life cycles of animals, the water cycle and of course the carbon cycle.
Carbon is a natural chemical that can be found in the air, sea and plants. When wood rots or burns the carbon dioxide that is gathered in the wood gets released into the air. The burning of fossil fuels while driving cars and making electricity also releases lots of carbon dioxide. Humans and animals, (no matter what kind ) also add carbon dioxide to the air because when we breath in oxygen it gets used in our body and we then breath out carbon dioxide.
The Carbon is then stored in the sea, plankton, sea shells and in trees. The trees breath in the carbon dioxide and then turn it into oxygen which we then breath in again, starting the cycle all over again. The trees use sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll (which is in the leaves) and then turn the carbon dioxide into oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis.
Over all carbon is interesting because even though you can not see it, it is always is a part of our life. It is thanks to the carbon cycle we are here today this is because of plants and trees witch turns the carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) back into oxygen so that we never run out of it.
by Carlotta and Kees.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


What is the Water Cycle?

Have you ever wondered why it rains? How it occurs? Where it comes from? Then this is your chance to find out. The water cycle, or hydrologic cycle, is the continuous process of water rising as gas into the air, and then falling as rain or snow.
The source of rain, or the accumulation of water, is in the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. It evaporates as water vapour, which we can’t see,and rises off the surface of the water. Water vapour can also rise off the leaves of trees ( Transpiration ). Think of evaporated water as very thin steam which is invisible to the naked eye.
Next, the vapour goes through condensation. This is when the gas turns to tiny water droplets; forming a cloud. As the cloud meets the cool air above the ground more and more droplets gather in the cloud until the cloud can hold out no longer and the droplets fall as rain.
There are many versions of a cloud, and depending on the amount of droplets inside, it can become either a Cirrus (light, fluffy spread out clouds) or a Cumulus, which is the typical rain cloud. You might also  encounter the Cumulonimbus cloud, which is the bringer of thunderstorms and heavy rain.
Precipitation, or the releasing of water to the ground, can come in many forms: rain, hail or snow. It then forms part of glaciers, soaks into the ground as groundwater, or, of course, falls back into seas, lakes or rivers. Then the whole cycle begins again.
In conclusion, the water or hydrological cycle is the never-ending spiral of water turning from liquid to gas to liquid again. Without water, without the cleansing rain, our water would be dirty and not good enough to drink, therefore the water cycle is an essential part of the way Earth works. 
By Margarita and Kees