Sunday 24 June 2012

Carbon cycle

What is the Carbon Cycle?

Today I am going to talk you about the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is the movement of carbon without the carbon cycle we would not be hear today.

Photosynthesis is when green plants and trees use the sun light to turn carbon dioxide and water into oxygen.
When we breath in we breath in oxygen and out Carbon Dioxide. Without Photosynthesis we would not be able to breathe.

When people and plants die they break down and rot, This is called Decomposing.This cycle realeses carbon in to the atmosphere.

After the death of a tree,fish,humans and all animals they began  to break down and rot.Then they compact down.Over a long period of time the compacted matter could eventually in to fossil fuels.

In conclusion if it wasn’t for the carbon cycle keeps our air clean.

By Kees

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